I must vent...in a very sporadic way...
I know this isn't really a personal blog, but I have to get things out in some way, shape, or form. So forgive me if this is not a "Foxy" post to her blog.
I am frustrated. VERY frustrated.
I WANT OUT OF HERE! I would even move back to my parents if they would let me. I AM GOING INSANE!!!!!!!! Frustration, frustration, frustration......to the point of absolute depression.
The reason why they dont want me to move back? They say crating my dogs is cruel, and that they would have to be 100% outside dogs...excuse me...NO.
Oh and the fact that I dont make my bed... because I dont follow rules.
HELLO how old am I? I am sorry but at 23, even if I moved back into my parents house..I should not have a "I have to make my bed rule." Call it being rebellious, or just plain stubborn.. but I shouldnt have someone telling me I have to make my bed at 23. On the other hand, I should not be expected to be stuck in this place constantly and watch a damn movie every night either. When I say every night, I mean EVERY night...weekend nights included. 7 days a week, 365 days out of the year. Shoot me. Now. End the misery.
UGH I shouldnt be getting yelled at because I want to do something else, or not want to go do something, or not want to watch a movie, or want to stay on the computer till all hours of the night... oh blah! I pay for the internet, let me sit on here 20 hrs a day, what does it matter? Oh yes, I forgot, I have to do everything else to make others happy..and not myself.
UGH sooooo anyways... when does the insanity stop? When does it all "happen?"
I am stuck, cant really go on with my life... cant do anything fun (except dog things of course) and everything is either frustrating or boring.
I want OUT, I want to GET ON with my life. I want the whole package (well I could do without having my own children) but everything else I WANT. I NEED...like everyone else on this planet does. I want it, however, to be RIGHT. I am in WRONG right now...well not IN, but I am trying to get rid of WRONG for good.
How hard is it to obtain happiness, when you are SUNK IN A RUT?
Cant get roommates... everyones either with a significant other, or married, or has children. It totally 100% sucks.
Get lost is what I want to do... move out of state, out of country, anything to get out of what I am so horribly stuck in.
And after all this, I am putting so much hope into it all turning for the good....
If it wasnt for the dogs, I would be completely lost after all of this frustration and depression.
God I sound like one of those emo kids...
December 27, 2009 cant come soon enough- hope you are as into it as I am.