Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Class Starts Tomorrow!

Foxy is starting an obedience class tomorrow. As Rachel is the teacher, I know she will gear it towards agility for me and Foxy =) I am GLAD that I have her in a class so I can follow a structured "curriculum." I am also glad that I can get her started in some more serious training. I cant wait to see how she does. This will be a pretty small class as I know it wasnt advertised much, but it will be great for Foxy to get into the class scene and to see what our strong points will be, along with the weaknesses. She is already starting towards a brilliant career.. I am excited and thrilled, but this time around, I do not feel a huge rush either. I am completely happy with getting everything down right with her, meaning the groundwork and foundation skills.

Hope to have some good news after the class...and hoping Yoshi continues on with his recovery as it looks like we might be able to show this weekend!

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