Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lots of progress

Foxy did the best ever in her class on Wednesday. She was very well behaved and I got a lot more out of her. I wont go into a LOT of detail as I have had a REALLY terrible week and such. But she is coming along great. She is starting to work more like she does at home. I was very impressed with her.

And I got impulsive.. she kept trying to put her feet on the teeter (the part that points up) when we were near it walking in our circle for loose leash walking. It was like she knew what it was. So I slammed it down and she wasnt scared of the noise... so I let her walk on it at the end of class. No problems....she did a foot high teeter......and was fine. Of course I was taking it slow and steadying her with my hand on her collar...but she was AWESOME. I couldnt believe it. I wasnt really trying to get her used to the obstacle, just seeing how she would react...she reacted how I thought she would, rock solid and ready for more..but still..shes awesome!!!!!!!!! She will do great things. I love this dog, I love how she learns things, I love her energy, I love her tenacity and drive. She is amazing, she is beautiful, and I cant believe she is mine. I cant stop bragging about her now... lol.

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