Friday, April 18, 2008

Stuff For Us To Do

I got the Strengthening the Performance Dog DVD yesterday and I have tons of ideas for both Foxy and Yoshi to really help them out. I am not sure if I am going to be able to do ALL of the exercises consistently, but I am going to try to do as many of them as possible. I will start updating on that when we get a program going. I need to write down the ones I can be very serious about, and get a schedule together.

I practiced walking with both dogs yesterday, I think I will be okay with both of them when I go to Brazos Bend with them and just me. I just have to keep Foxy on her Gentle Leader so it is a bit easier for me to have both dogs under perfect control.

I am planning on taking them (Foxy's second time and Yoshi's first time) on Monday...and possibly Saturday if I dont have to stay at the car show the whole time.

I am still over the top about agility starting back up for both of my kids in May. I was so scared that Yoshi might not ever get to run again..and now we are looking at starting back after his injury. Woohoo!

I really think Foxy is going to do great. I just need to learn to channel that energy into agility. =)

Other than that, not very many updates, it stormed today so I haven't been able to do too much. Yesterday was just me walking the dogs so it would have been a bit hard to try to take pictures.

Hopefully I will have the dogs' workout schedules together soon! I really need Yoshi in better shape than he is now. Though I think a lot of it is he needs to get his stamina back too..he gets tired easily!


Rossi2009 said...

hmm, you're not much of an updater you know. =)

Rossi2009 said...

no updates makes Kara a boring girl! =)