Thursday, January 24, 2008

Foxy's Class Last Night

We do have lots of work to do. But here's some more details of what went on last night!

When I first got there, I could tell she was going to be over the top if she was extremely close to all the dogs and people so I went towards the back of the room so I could have our little area already "reserved." Most the dogs are very young puppies in the class, but of course Foxy is the most..errr.. hyper. She is the only Border Collie though, we are the only ones in the class that are going to be going for agility as well.

Before class started, I started working on sits and downs, and then paying attention to me while walking on the leash. She did pretty good with this. Yes I dont expect perfect focus on me yet, but I had some nice moments were she did focus on me a lot.

When class started, we started with going from fronts to the sides. Which Foxy did beautifully right away. She really followed my hands well. I have a feeling this week, we are going to do a LOT of different variations of it to get as most out of it as we possibly can since this seems to be a STRONG point she has.

Then we did something she is NOT so great at... walking up to her without her jumping up. This is what I found out I need to work on majorly with her. Now normally with me, she is pretty good about not jumping up when I walk up to her and such..but if its someone new, she goes over the top and wants to jump all over them forever. Which people are SO bad about not following the "doggie rules" and petting her when she jumps up. SOOOOOOoooooo major boot camp coming up where Foxy is going to get ignored until all four paws are on the ground. This was our MAJOR WEAKNESS.

We did sits, to stands...which to my amazement...Foxy learned the command in less than a minute. She was amazing.. lol we were all impressed.

Then it was down from a stand..which she did really good. I think the only dog to be able to drop immediately into a down. Good girl!

We then worked on getting touched and stuff, which Foxy has NO problems being cuddled or restrained or touched or messed with.

I also am going to use this week to work on the bite inhibition a little more, she has about a week left of it.. so I am going to work on it a lot this week. She hasnt ever been very bad though.

Things for us to work on:
1. NOT jumping up on strangers
2. Start on loose leash walking
3. Working with distractions around (will probably take her to the college walking track and stuff for this)
4. Sits, downs, stays, comes (just getting more solid behaviors)
5. Work on the "wave" command more so she doesnt confuse it with everytime she sits.
6. Start with off leash stuff at home inside (walking next to me)
7. Trick training- not sure which tricks I am going to work on this week. I am going to make a list of the ones I want to teach her and then go from there.

This weekend and tomorrow I am probably going to do a lot of work with her. Its just been so rainy and wet here consistently for almost 2 weeks, it has been hard to be able to do much. Hopefully the weather starts cooperating where we can start boot camp up.

1 comment:

The Dog Man said...

I know what you mean about the weather - sort of dulls things a little doesn't it? Sounds like training is going really well. Look forward to reading the updates.