Monday, January 21, 2008

Videos 01/20/08

So here was warming her up...notice how bouncy she is being...LOL

Here is the box exercise..its pretty long.. so if you get bored you can skip over to 5:30 and it gets more exciting! She has done SO great since we have only done this exercise a couple times since the last video.

And here's just having fun playing..I still cant get her to do too many complicated things with the ball in my hand as she is SO focused on the ball. We are getting better with it though!

Last week she got her last set of shots, she weighed 18 lbs.. what a BIG girl!

I think we are going to start following the Sue's training levels with Foxy. I think it will be good structure for her as well. We also will be working on more tricks soon and more exercises for her to think...such as putting metal food dishes inside each other and stuff like that.

1 comment:

The Dog Man said...

Can't beat Sue's levels. I think they're great for both dog and owner. As you say, they give structure for to training, and help focus the training on particular areas.

Love watching the videos. Keep 'em coming... :)